Intellectual Property Law

Nowadays, since Intellectual Property assets are among the most important assets of companies and real persons who own these assets in Turkey as well as all over the world, effective and active defence of Intellectual Property rights is critically important for companies and real persons. For this reason, our office provides legal services to its clients in this field through its lawyers who are authorised to act before the Turkish Patent Institute and who have extensive theoretical and practical knowledge on issues related to intellectual property law.

The main legal services provided by our office in the field of Intellectual Property Law are as follows;

- Follow-up of all kinds of civil and criminal cases arising from the infringement of intellectual property rights such as trademarks, industrial designs, patents and copyrights.

- Carrying out search/seizure and raid procedures for the protection of intellectual property rights, seizing counterfeit products at customs, obtaining precautionary measures from the courts.

- Research on piracy, counterfeiting and unauthorised use.

- Conducting research and providing opinions for the national and international registrability of trademarks, industrial designs and patents, carrying out all kinds of transactions related to Turkish Patent and WIPO ("World Intellectual Property Organisation") registration and registry.

- Regularly checking the bulletins of trademarks, industrial designs and patents, informing clients and filing objections.

- Making national and international domain name objections and resolving disputes.

- Follow-up of invalidity and cancellation cases.

- Preparation and negotiation of assignment and licence agreements regarding Intellectual Property Rights.

- Filing compulsory registration and discretionary registration applications before the General Directorate of Copyrights and providing alternative solutions to clients regarding the determination of right ownership.

- Checking whether there is a violation of the intellectual property rights of third parties before the business and transactions of the clients and giving opinions.

- Organising the franchise, distribution, supply and all other agreements of the client companies in a way to ensure the protection of their intellectual property rights.